Benedict de Spinoza lived a life of blameless simplicity as a lens-grinder in Holland. And yet in his lifetime he was expelled from the Jewish community in Amsterdam as a heretic, and after his death his works were first banned by the Christian authorities as atheistic, then hailed by humanists as t...
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მიტანის ღირებულება
თბილისი - 5 ლარი / რეგიონი - 7.00 ლარიმიწოდება:თბილისი: 2-3 სამუშაო დღერეგიონები: 4-5 სამუშაო დღე
თბილისი - 5 ლარი / რეგიონი - 7.00 ლარიმიწოდება:თბილისი: 2-3 სამუშაო დღერეგიონები: 4-5 სამუშაო დღე
Benedict de Spinoza lived a life of blameless simplicity as a lens-grinder in Holland. And yet in his lifetime he was expelled from the Jewish community in Amsterdam as a heretic, and after his death his works were first banned by the Christian authorities as atheistic, then hailed by humanists as t...