The ideal first reference book for children eager to learn about the solar system
Zoom off into the galaxy and investigate all the planets, from Earth to Mars with First Space Encyclopedia.
Packed full of stunning photography, quizzes and amazing facts, children will become space experts in no time. Covering everything from observatories and rockets, to the solar system and the death of stars, children will discover all about space and space travel.
The First Space Encyclopedia is the perfect first reference book for children.
მიტანის ღირებულება
თბილისი - 5 ლარი / რეგიონი - 7.00 ლარი მიწოდება: თბილისი: 2-3 სამუშაო დღე რეგიონები: 4-5 სამუშაო დღემიტანის ღირებულება
თბილისი - 5 ლარი / რეგიონი - 7.00 ლარი მიწოდება: თბილისი: 2-3 სამუშაო დღე რეგიონები: 4-5 სამუშაო დღეThe ideal first reference book for children eager to learn about the solar system
Zoom off into the galaxy and investigate all the planets, from Earth to Mars with First Space Encyclopedia.
Packed full of stunning photography, quizzes and amazing facts, children will become space experts in no time. Covering everything from observatories and rockets, to the solar system and the death of stars, children will discover all about space and space travel.
The First Space Encyclopedia is the perfect first reference book for children.