• Eighteen houses and apartments that all have one thing in common - breathtaking sea views
• Hardback with a luxurious linen finish
• Features projects from all over the world, including Spain, Greece, New Zealand, Belgium, the USA,Denmark, Ibiza, and South Africa
This sumptuous book showcases, through beautiful photography, 18 new residential houses and apartments. Each one is gifted with breathtaking sea views. Features projects from all over the world, including Spain, Greece, New Zealand, Belgium, the USA, Denmark, Ibiza, and South Africa.
არ არის მარაგში
მიტანის ღირებულება
თბილისი - 5 ლარი / რეგიონი - 7.00 ლარი მიწოდება: თბილისი: 2-3 სამუშაო დღე რეგიონები: 4-5 სამუშაო დღემიტანის ღირებულება
თბილისი - 5 ლარი / რეგიონი - 7.00 ლარი მიწოდება: თბილისი: 2-3 სამუშაო დღე რეგიონები: 4-5 სამუშაო დღე• Eighteen houses and apartments that all have one thing in common - breathtaking sea views
• Hardback with a luxurious linen finish
• Features projects from all over the world, including Spain, Greece, New Zealand, Belgium, the USA,Denmark, Ibiza, and South Africa
This sumptuous book showcases, through beautiful photography, 18 new residential houses and apartments. Each one is gifted with breathtaking sea views. Features projects from all over the world, including Spain, Greece, New Zealand, Belgium, the USA, Denmark, Ibiza, and South Africa.